Monday, 14 November 2011

Six steps to Kevin Bacon? Na Make that Arsenal!

There are many sayings in life, like "you wait for an hour then 3 buses come at once" or as the title of the blog suggests there are six steps to Kevin Bacon. Well make that Arsenal. Having been away over the pond it amazes me that you are never far from something Arsenal or in fact from Gooner Family. Take this pic for example.

It was just two buildings down from the Hotel on 35th Street in New York and it is a scaffolding company called Arsenal, how cool is that. I would recommend them to Gooners in the UK but doubt if they do overseas jobs. Also to be greeted with "Goooooner!" in Times Square when my cap was spotted and the same thing in Central Park. When it comes to The Arsenal it really is a very small world indeed but also shows the strength of the Arsenal Family. Made me very proud to be a Gooner. Also a big thanks to the NY Gunners for the tips etc and I hope to be able to watch a game with you at the Blind Pig in the not so distant future. NY was amazing, as was the drinking, shame about the inter lull which does get in the way!

Talking of all things International What is Cesc thinking at the moment. Sorry Mrs F I know you love him but he is well off my Christmas card list now with his comments about RVP and England in general as a footie nation. I have a message for you Cesc. But Out! You left to go to Catalonia so get on with your life and let Arsenal get on with it's too. No one wants to hear an ex Arsenal player, who was so close to legend status with us, suddenly pontificate about our Captain and how he should be looking to leave as it is his last big chance! We have enough oars being stuck into our business with the press let alone Cesc adding his 1 pennyworth, sorry Cesc but it ain't worth 2! As for being beaten by England? Well own up to Spain's errors rather than moaning that England were not good. It was a nothing match we know, these friendlies can be but even so England were poor you still lost. Take it like you should and just Shut Up whinging, your beginning to sound like Nasri and that is a big disappointment to me.

Any way moving on. Well done to Louwrens Lemmer for correctly answering our blog question on the pub that featured in our founding. The Royal Oak if your wondering out there and the shirt will be with you soon mate.

I am also proud that we made a young Gooner very happy with this.

This is Carlo, a massive Gooner and we were able to get him a shirt with his favourite player name on it. Now Carlo is now totally Deeeench!

Well that's about it at the mo but more soon from me. Looking forward to the Canaries on Sat but yet another 12.30pm kick off, thanks Sky, so looking forward to our continued rise. A big Hello to Rolo from Charlie George too.

Anyway Laters   The Dog

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Dog! And jay for the shirt so excited cant wait :-D
